“Chapter 47: The Ten Virgins,” New Testament Stories (2005), 118–20
“Chapter 47,” New Testament Stories, 118–20
Chapter 47
The Ten Virgins
The ten women had oil-burning lamps. Five of the women were wise. They had extra oil with them.
The other five women were foolish. They only had the oil that was in their lamps.
The bridegroom did not come for a long time. The oil in the lamps ran out. The five wise women had more oil to put in their lamps. The five foolish women had to go buy more oil.
While they were gone, the bridegroom came. He let the five wise women into the wedding.
When the five foolish women returned, the door was closed. They could not go to the wedding.
Jesus is like the bridegroom in this story. Church members are like the ten women. When Jesus comes again, some members will be ready. They will have obeyed God’s commandments. Others will not be ready. They will not be able to be with the Savior when He comes again.
Matthew 25:13; Doctrine and Covenants 45:56–57; 88:86, 92; Jesus the Christ, 576–80