“Hello from Portugal!” Friend, June 2023, 18–19.
Hello from Portugal!
Learn about Heavenly Father’s children all over the world.
Illustrations by Macky Pamintuan
Portugal is a country in southwest Europe. About 10 million people live there.
Beautiful Tiles
Many buildings in Portugal are decorated with tiles called azulejos that make patterns or pictures.
Sun and Surf
Portugal is right next to the Atlantic Ocean, so it has many beautiful beaches. Surfing is a popular summer activity.
The Church in Portugal
Missionaries first came to Portugal in 1974. Today Portugal has about 45,000 Church members.
Tasty Food
People in Portugal often eat seafood and meat with olive oil, fresh herbs, and spices. Many meals also include rice, potatoes, or bread.
Lisbon Temple
Portugal’s first temple was dedicated in 2019.