“A Small Act with Big Blessing,” Friend, June 2023, 2–3.
From the First Presidency
A Small Act with Big Blessings
From “Always Have His Spirit,” Ensign, Nov. 1996, 59–61.
When we are baptized, we show that we are willing to take the name of Jesus Christ upon us. We also promise to do His work and keep His commandments. Then priesthood holders lay their hands upon our head to bless us with the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Each time we take the sacrament, we renew our baptism promises. We prepare by repenting of things we have done wrong. We think about Jesus Christ. And we promise to remember Him.
When we do these things, the Lord forgives us. He also promises that when we keep His commandments, we can always have the Holy Ghost with us. The Holy Ghost is our comforter, our communicator, and our guide back to Heavenly Father.
The sacrament may seem like a small act. But it brings us great blessings. I pray that we can always have these blessings.
Sacrament Answers
Have you ever listened closely to the sacrament prayers? Match the questions and answers below. (You can read the prayers in Doctrine and Covenants 20:77, 79.)
What do we remember?
What do we promise?
What blessing does the Lord promise us?
The Savior’s body and blood
That we will always have His Spirit to be with us
To take Jesus’s name upon us, always remember Him, and keep His commandments
Left: illustration by Apryl Stott; right: illustrations by Beth Whittaker