Urim and Thummim

Moroni with plates and Urim and Thummim

Urim and Thummim


An ancient instrument or tool prepared by God and used by Joseph Smith to aid in the translation of the Book of Mormon. God provided a Urim and Thummim to His prophets in ancient times (see Exodus 28:30; 1 Samuel 28:6; Ezra 2:63).

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Scripture References

Scripture Study Resources

Messages from Church Leaders


“How We Got the Book of Mormon”

“The Angel Moroni and the Gold Plates (1823–1827)”

Learning Resources

General Resources

“The Contributions of Martin Harris,” Church History

“Pennsylvania: Priesthood Restoration Site, Harmony (now Oakland),” Church History

“The Experience of the Three Witnesses,” Church History

Church Magazines

Richard E. Turley Jr., Robin S. Jensen, and Mark Ashurst-McGee, “Joseph the Seer,” Ensign, October 2015

Gerrit Dirkmaat, “Great and Marvelous Are the Revelations of God,” Ensign, January 2013

“Coming Forth of the Book of Mormon,” Friend, September 2004

H. Donl Peterson, “Moroni—Joseph Smith’s Tutor,” Ensign, January 1992

Study Manuals

In the News

“Transcript: President Russell M. Nelson Remarks and Dedicatory Prayer at Priesthood Restoration Site,” Newsroom

Teachings of Presidents of the Church

Teaching Resources

Teaching Outlines
