Heavenly Parents

“Heavenly Parents,” Topics and Questions (2023)

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Heavenly Parents

All human beings are beloved spirit children of heavenly parents. Because of our divine parentage, we each have divine potential. This divine origin defines our true identity.

In our premortal life, we learned the plan of salvation, which provides the way to inherit eternal life, the life of our heavenly parents. The purpose of our existence, including mortal life, is to prepare us to receive this glorious gift.

Little has been revealed about our Heavenly Mother beyond a knowledge of Her existence. Although we do not worship Her, we honor Her as a divine parent. Following the example of the Savior, we pray only to our Heavenly Father.1 We receive guidance and direction from Heavenly Father and His Son through the Holy Ghost.

In this life, we strive to develop the godly attributes possessed by our heavenly parents. These attributes are exemplified in the life of Jesus Christ.

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