He Is Risen!
March 2021

“He Is Risen!” Friend, March 2021

From the First Presidency

He Is Risen!

Adapted from “He Is Risen,” Ensign or Liahona, April 2013, 4–5.

Jesus riding a donkey into Jerusalem

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ gives us hope. It gave me hope on the summer day in 1969 when my mother died. I was sad because I was temporarily separated from her.

But I felt happy when the Holy Ghost told me that the Resurrection is real. I can picture what it will be like to see my mother and other loved ones again someday.

Jesus Christ was resurrected. Because of Him, all of Heavenly Father’s children born into the world will be resurrected in a body that will never die.

The Story of Easter

Cut out the cards and glue them on paper. Punch the holes and tie together with string. Now you have an Easter storybook!

  1. Image
    Jesus riding a donkey into Jerusalem

    Jesus Christ rode into the city of Jerusalem on a donkey. People praised Him and laid palm leaves on the ground. (See Mark 11:1–11.)

  2. Image
    Jesus blessing a man

    Jesus visited the temple. He healed people who were lame and blind. (See Matthew 21:12–14.)

  3. Image
    bag of coins

    Jealous priests paid one of Jesus Christ’s disciples, Judas Iscariot, 30 silver coins to turn Him over to them. (See Mathew 26:14–16.)

  4. Image
    Jesus holding bread

    Jesus ate the Passover meal with His disciples. He gave them the sacrament to help them remember Him. (See Matthew 26:19–20, 26–28.)

  5. Image
    Jesus praying

    Jesus went to Gethsemane to pray to Heavenly Father. There He began to suffer for our sins. People with swords came and arrested Him. (See Matthew 26:36–50.)

  6. Image
    tomb with stone

    Jesus suffered and died on the cross. His body lay in a tomb with a large stone in front of the door. (See Matthew 27:27–35, 57–60.)

  7. Image
    Resurrected Jesus in front of tomb

    Angels rolled the stone away. They told Mary Magdelene and other women that Jesus was resurrected. Jesus appeared to the women, and they worshipped Him. (See Matthew 28:1–10.)

  8. Image
    Resurrect Jesus in white robe

    Jesus appeared to His disciples. They touched His resurrected body. He told them to teach everyone His gospel. Jesus Christ rose again, so we will too! (See Luke 24:36–43; Matthew 28:16–20.)
