For Parents of Little Ones
October 2019

“For Parents of Little Ones,” Friend, October 2019

For Parents of Little Ones

quotes from parents

How have the Come, Follow Me lessons made a difference in your life this year? We know family scripture study can be hard—especially with young children. Here are a few tips from parents who found creative ways to make the lessons a positive part of their regular routines.

“We read and talk about one section of Come, Follow Me during breakfast. It takes just a few minutes, which is good for short attention spans, but it’s enough to get familiar with the topics. Then we review in home evening.” —Nichole E.

“I use the Come, Follow Me Primary manual with my young kids at home. I figure it’s OK if they do the same activity twice because repetition helps them remember.” —Jean C.

“We use Come, Follow Me when the kids are in bed at the end of the day. They aren’t running around, and they’re very interested because the longer we study, the longer they get to stay awake.” —Holly H.

“I pair the doctrines from Come, Follow Me lessons with Church videos. We watch a video, I teach a doctrine, and my children say and sign it back to me (we’re a bilingual ASL/English family). Simple, yet meaningful!” —Michelle H.