“Trying to Be Like Jesus,” Friend, May 2014, 2–3
From the First Presidency
Trying to Be Like Jesus
Adapted from “Our Perfect Example,” Ensign, Nov. 2009, 70–73.

The Savior has prepared the way through His Atonement and His example.
We believe that through living the gospel of Jesus Christ we can become like the Savior, who is perfect.
How that wonderful transformation will happen is captured for me in a song written for children, “I’m Trying to Be Like Jesus” (Children’s Songbook, 78). I remember watching the faces of a room full of children singing it on a Sunday. Each of the children was leaning forward, almost to the front of the chair. I could see light in their eyes and determination in their faces as they sang with gusto.
It seemed to me that they were not just singing; they were declaring their determination. Jesus Christ was their example. To be like Him was their goal. And their eager looks and their shining eyes convinced me that they had no doubts. They expected to succeed. They were sure He had prepared the way.
That determination must be in the heart of every Latter-day Saint. The Savior has prepared the way through His Atonement and His example. And even the children who sang that song knew how.