“Conference Notes,” Friend, May 2014, 14–15
Conference Notes
Here are some great stories and pictures from the April 2014 general conference. What were your favorite stories?
He Wanted to Know!

President Boyd K. Packer said that when he left home to serve in the military during World War II, he didn’t really know if the Church was true. But he wanted to have his own testimony of the gospel. He wanted to know!
While stationed in Japan, one night he couldn’t sleep. He left his tent and looked up at the star-filled sky and started to pray. Right in the middle of his prayer, it happened. Suddenly he felt a witness that the Church was true! Now he had a testimony for himself. This knowledge had been given to him by the Holy Ghost. (See “The Witness” from the Sunday afternoon session.)
What this teaches me:
Soothing an Aching Heart

One night Sister Linda S. Reeves’s daughter came home feeling upset. Sister Reeves asked what was wrong. Her daughter told her that at a friend’s house, she had accidentally seen bad pictures on television. The pictures made her feel bad inside, and she wished she could get them out of her mind.
Sister Reeves told her daughter that through our Savior’s Atonement she could feel relief and stop hurting. Together they knelt and prayed that Heavenly Father would help her feel better. (See “Protection from Pornography—a Christ-Focused Home” from the Saturday morning session.)
What this teaches me:
Inviting Your Friends

Elder M. Russell Ballard asked Church members in Argentina to invite someone to come to church before this general conference. Eight-year-old Joshua listened and invited his best friend and his family to an open house at his ward.
That night he kept checking, but his friend did not come. Finally they came, and Joshua ran out to greet them and hugged his friend. They came into the church and met lots of new friends. Elder Ballard said, “It was great to see the faith of this little boy and to know that Primary children can be missionaries too.” (See “Following Up” from the Sunday morning session.)
What this teaches me:
Safe in a Storm

Elder Ronald A. Rasband visited Oklahoma just after a huge tornado struck the area. He was especially touched by a fifth grader he met there named Tori. She had huddled in the restroom with her friends as the tornado roared through her school. Tori said a prayer that Heavenly Father would protect them. Suddenly the roof tore away! Tori kept praying. “All of a sudden it got quiet,” she said. “When I opened my eyes, I saw a stop sign right in front of my eyes!” Later Elder Rasband gave Tori a blessing. He told her that angels had protected her in the storm. (See “The Joyful Burden of Discipleship” from the Saturday morning session.)
What this teaches me: