“The Hill Cumorah Pageant,” Friend, June 2013, 14–15
On the Trail
The Hill Cumorah Pageant
Every summer, many children from all over the world come to the Hill Cumorah Pageant, an outdoor show about how the Book of Mormon came to be. But not all of these children come to watch the pageant. Some of them come with their families to be in it! They come from all over the United States—and from other countries too.
For 17 days, these children rehearse their parts. All the younger children are in the scene where Jesus Christ blesses the Nephite children. Older children can be in many other scenes. When they’re not rehearsing, the children spend time in the “Primary tent.” They do crafts, sing, and do activities that help them learn about the Book of Mormon.
On the nights of the performance, the children put on their costumes. Then they and their families talk to pageant visitors about Jesus Christ. Whatever their parts in the pageant are, all the children share what they learn about the Savior, the Book of Mormon, and the Restoration of the gospel.

The pageant begins with the whole cast on stage.
Miranda, Carlyn, Camarie, Rebecca, and Conner made new friends at the pageant.
Allison waits for the performance to start.
Jenny says, “Being here makes me feel calmer than being other places.”
Taryn has fun helping a leader do a trick in the Primary tent.
In this scene, everyone runs to get on the boat after Nephi has finished building it.
Sarah is happy for the dress rehearsal to begin.
Addison says his favorite part of the pageant is being in a cast team with boys his own age.
Stacey (with her parents and brother) got to share her testimony with visitors before the performance.
Bethany makes a manger scene in the Primary tent.
In his scene, Isaia gets to touch the face of the actor who portrays Jesus Christ.
Sariah says the special effects are so real in her scene that she feels like she’s living in Book of Mormon times.
Cut out and paste to the “On the Trail” map in the January Friend.