Guide to the Friend
June 2013

“Guide to the Friend,” Friend, June 2013, 48

Guide to the Friend

Possible Ideas for Family Home Evening

  1. Read President Uchtdorf’s message “Stop It!” (pages 2–3). Take the quiz on page 3 to see how you can become kinder to others. Trace and cut out the stop sign to make your own reminder to “Stop It!”

  2. Read the story of Ammon in Alma 17–19. You can use the script “Ammon and the Lamanite King” (pages 16–17) to put on a pageant!

  3. Read “Stirling’s Great Idea” (pages 28–29) together. Learn and practice your family’s favorite Primary song to sing when you are tired, discouraged, or afraid.

  4. Practice being a writer for the Friend! Read “The Day I Really Felt Loved” (page 22) and have each member of the family write the story of their baptism day or another important day in their life. Remember to include details about how you felt after the experience.

  5. Use the Bringing Primary Home lesson and activity to learn more about this month’s Primary theme (pages 40–41).
