man to hold this right of inheritance until he transgresses, D&C 51:4.
be subject to powers that be until he reigns whose right it is to reign, D&C 58:22.
firstborn among sons of Aaron holds right of presiding over Aaronic Priesthood, D&C 68:17–18 (107:76).
law that maintains men’s rights and privileges is justifiable before the Lord, D&C 98:5.
law and Constitution established for rights and protection, D&C 101:77.
Melchizedek Priesthood holds right of presidency, D&C 107:8.
Presidency of High Priesthood have right to officiate in all offices, D&C 107:9.
high priests have right to officiate in their own standing, D&C 107:10.
elder has right to officiate in high priest’s stead when none is present, D&C 107:11–12.
Zion has right to priesthood by lineage, D&C 113:8.
persecutors of Saints shall not have right to priesthood, D&C 121:21.
rights of priesthood are inseparably connected with powers of heaven, D&C 121:36.
voices of angels declare their rights, D&C 128:21.
laws must secure right and control of property, D&C 134:2.
human law has no right to prescribe rules of worship, D&C 134:4.
all governments have right to enact laws to secure public interest, D&C 134:5.
not just for individual rights of members as citizens to be denied, D&C 134:9.