Heed See also Communication; Hear; Hearken; Listen; Notice; Obedience; Regard give heed unto word of the Lord, 1 Ne. 15:25. Liahona would lead people according to heed they gave the Lord, Mosiah 1:16. take heed that ye do not transgress, Mosiah 5:11. portion of word granted unto men according to heed they give the Lord, Alma 12:9. fathers slothful to give heed to compass, Alma 37:43. it is easy to give heed to word of Christ, Alma 37:44. they who will not give heed to voice of the Lord and his servants will be cut off, D&C 1:14. let Church take heed and pray always, D&C 20:33. let those who are sanctified take heed, D&C 20:34. Church should heed words and commandments Joseph Smith receives, D&C 21:4. let wicked take heed, D&C 63:6. give diligent heed to words of eternal life, D&C 84:43. Joseph Smith’s family must give more earnest heed to his words, D&C 93:48. Noah1 and sons give heed to the Lord, Moses 8:13. Noah1 preaches, Give heed to my words, Moses 8:23.