Descend See also Descendant; Fall; Jesus Christ, Condescension of; Jesus Christ, Second Coming of Lehi1 and Nephi1 see Christ descending out of heaven, 1 Ne. 1:9 (11:7; 12:6; 3 Ne. 11:8). Nephi1 sees angels descending out of heaven to minister to men, 1 Ne. 11:30 (3 Ne. 17:24). Christ to reign in heavens till he descends on earth, D&C 49:6. the Savior descended below all things, D&C 88:6 (122:8). the Holy Ghost descended upon Christ, D&C 93:15. knowledge of God to descend upon Saints, D&C 128:19. the Holy Ghost may descend upon man and not tarry, D&C 130:23. the Spirit descended upon Enoch2, Moses 6:26. the Spirit descended upon Adam after baptism, Moses 6:65. Enoch2 sees angels descending out of heaven, Moses 7:25. pillar of light descended upon Joseph Smith, JS—H 1:16. John the Baptist descended in cloud of light, JS—H 1:68.