power given to seal on earth and in heaven, D&C 1:8 (128:8, 10; 132:46).
the Lord spoke to Joseph Smith from heaven, D&C 1:17.
God will cause heavens to shake, D&C 21:6 (35:24; 43:18; 45:48; 49:23; 84:118).
stars shall fall from heaven, D&C 29:14 (45:42).
heaven and earth to pass away, D&C 29:23 (45:22; 56:11).
new heaven and new earth, D&C 29:23.
the Lord will come in clouds of heaven, D&C 45:16.
the Son reigns in heavens, D&C 49:6.
the Lord will come down in heaven from Father’s presence, D&C 63:34.
heavens and earth are in the Lord’s hands, D&C 67:2.
heavens wept over Lucifer, D&C 76:26.
beasts used by John in describing heaven, D&C 77:2.
priesthood confirmed by voice from heavens, D&C 84:42.
heavens have smiled on earth, D&C 84:101.
courses of heavens are fixed, D&C 88:43.
Saints to be instructed of things in both heaven and earth, D&C 88:79.
angels shall fly through midst of heaven, D&C 88:92–93, 103.
silence in heaven, D&C 88:95.
quickened will meet the Lord in pillar of heaven, D&C 88:97.
the Son received all power, both in heaven and on earth, D&C 93:17.
Melchizedek Priesthood holds keys to have heavens opened, D&C 107:19.
keys of this dispensation sent from heaven, D&C 112:32.
what power shall stay heavens, D&C 121:33.
rights of priesthood are inseparably connected with powers of heaven, D&C 121:36.
doctrine of priesthood shall distill upon soul as dews from heaven, D&C 121:45.
what you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, D&C 124:93 (127:7; 128:8, 10; 132:46).
as are records on earth, so are those in heaven, D&C 128:14.
voice of mercy from heaven, D&C 128:19, 23.
two kinds of beings in heaven, D&C 129:1.
in celestial glory there are three heavens, or degrees, D&C 131:1.
angel crying through midst of heaven, D&C 133:17, 36.
the Lord clothes heavens with blackness, D&C 133:69.