Maintain, Maintenance See also Defence; Keep; Preserve; Provide; Retain; Support Nephites gain power over Lamanites by maintenance of sacred word of God, Alma 44:5. whosoever will maintain title of liberty should come forth, Alma 46:20. those desirous of maintaining liberty are gathered, Alma 46:28. dissenters who do not covenant to maintain free government are put to death, Alma 46:35. Moroni1 prepares people to maintain cause of Christians, Alma 48:10. chief judge takes oath to maintain cause of God, Alma 50:39. freemen swear to maintain rights of religion by free government, Alma 51:6. king-men are obliged to maintain cause of freedom, Alma 51:7. women have claim on husbands for maintenance, D&C 83:2. children have claim on parents, then Church, for maintenance, D&C 83:4–5. constitutional law that maintains rights and freedoms is justifiable before God, D&C 98:5 (101:77). no power or influence can be maintained by virtue of priesthood, D&C 121:41.