Showing Her Love
June 2018

“Showing Her Love,” Friend, June 2018

Shine Your Light

Showing Her Love

From an interview with Jan Pinborough

a girl from Nigeria with her family

Photographs courtesy of the family

Hello! My name is Love. I shine my light by showing love to my family.

About Me

I live in Nigeria. That’s a country in Africa. I live with my parents and my brothers. My favorite song is “Children All over the World.” My favorite scripture is 1 Nephi 3:7.

Close to the Temple

We live very close to the Aba Nigeria Temple. It only takes five minutes to walk there! I feel so glad when I visit the temple. I’m preparing for the time when I can go inside to do baptisms.

The Best Place to Be

On Mondays I remind my brothers about family home evening. I like it when my dad cooks dinner and we all dance together. Home is the best place to be.

Helping My Brothers

Every morning, I wake up my younger brothers for our family devotional. We sing hymns, study the scriptures, and kneel and pray together. Then I help them get ready for school. I feel it’s a duty I owe my Heavenly Father to love and help my siblings.

Work and Play

After school I help my mum with work around our home. I help my brothers with their school assignments too. I don’t have much time to play, but I love riding my bicycle and making kites. I feel Heavenly Father’s love when I show love to my family.

How Can You Shine?

  • Read to a brother or sister.

  • Ask your mum or dad how you can help.

  • Remind your family about family prayer.

Send Us a Star!

Jesus asked us to “let [our] light so shine” (Matthew 5:16). How do you let your light shine? Send us a star with your story, photo, and permission. See page 39.
