Cards and Caring
May 2018

“Cards and Caring,” Friend, May 2018

Shine Your Light

Cards and Caring

a boy and his handmade cards

Hi! My name is Brady. I live in California, USA. I shine my light by helping other kids.

Wanting to Help

My friend Ryder wanted to earn money to buy toys for children who need extra love and help. I wanted to do something to help too. I decided to make cards. I could sell them to friends, neighbors, and even people I didn’t know.

Making Cards

My whole family helped me with the cards. My mom has cancer, but she still helped a lot. My brothers helped make new designs. My favorite cards had ghosts on them for Halloween.

Helping Other Kids

With the help of my family and friends, I raised a lot of money! I gave most of it to help foster kids. Then I heard about some refugees. They had to leave their countries to find safety. My family and I bought art supplies, water bottles, balls, and other things for them.

Feeling Thankful

We got to meet some of the refugee children. They showed us on a map where they were from. Many even had to leave their families! It made me feel thankful for my blessings.

How Can You Shine?

  • Share your toys.

  • Give clothes or bedding to a homeless shelter.

  • Make friends with someone new in your class or neighborhood.

Send Us a Star!

Jesus asked us to “let [your] light so shine before men” (Matthew 5:16). How do you let your light shine? Send us a star with your story, photo, and permission. See page 39.
