Eva Goes to Primary
January 2016

“Eva Goes to Primary,” Friend, Jan. 2016, 47

Eva Goes to Primary

Eva liked nursery. She liked her teachers and singing time. Her favorite song was “Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam.” But now it was time for Eva to go to Primary. Many children were in the Primary room. A teacher said, “Hello, Eva! I am Sister Moya. I am glad you are in our Sunbeam class!” Eva smiled. She liked being a sunbeam. The piano started playing. Eva knew the song! She sang, “Jesus wants me for a sunbeam.Eva knew she would like being a Sunbeam in Primary.

It’s Primary Time

Here are some of the things we do in Primary. How can you tell that these children are ready to learn?

Time to Pray

Time to Hear a Talk

Time to Listen to My Teacher

Time to Share

Time to Be Reverent

Time to Sing

Eva Goes to Primary
