Guide to the Friend
July 2011

“Guide to the Friend,” Friend, July 2011, 48

Guide to the Friend

Possible Ideas for Family Home Evening

  1. With a parent’s help, make cookies or a card and deliver them to someone who is sick, like Megan does in “Cookies for Charlie” (pages 8–9).

  2. “The Seagulls” (page 22) tells a story from Church history. Read the poem as a family, and then learn a story from your family history.

  3. Read President Henry B. Eyring’s message (pages 2–3). Do the activity “Who Are Your Guides?” on page 3. Have each family member draw a picture of someone who has been a guide in his or her life.

  4. This week, look for ways to help others fulfill their callings, just like Isaac helps his father in “The Calling” (pages 4–5).

  5. Use the “Bringing Primary Home” lesson and activity to learn more about this month’s Primary theme (pages 40–41).
