Friends in the News
July 2011

“Friends in the News,” Friend, July 2011, 47

Friends in the News

Point Cook Ward

Primary children from the Point Cook Ward, Melbourne Australia Wyndham Stake, visited the Melbourne Australia Temple. They toured the temple grounds, and the temple president and matron answered their questions and gave them all a picture of the temple. The children behaved respectfully and were fortunate to see a newly married couple come out of the temple.

Rachel T., 9, Alaska, knows she is a child of God. She enjoys reading her scriptures with her family every day. She misses her sister, who is on a mission in California, and would like to go on a mission someday too.

Ryan and Austin M., 6 and 4, Idaho, are best friends and brothers. They enjoy playing cars together. Ryan enjoys reading the Friend magazine before bed. Austin likes going to Primary. Both boys like swimming at their grandparents’ house and eating strawberries and raspberries from their garden.

Jared M., 8, Utah, reached his goal to read the Book of Mormon before he was baptized. He enjoys playing with plastic building blocks and going to the park. He plays baseball and soccer.

Stella F., 4, Arizona, likes to play with her brothers and sisters. She enjoys dancing and performing. She can’t wait to be in her first Primary sacrament meeting presentation and sing for the congregation.

Ben W., 9, Ontario, Canada, likes playing with his two sisters and building snow forts. He goes to a French-speaking school, and he likes being able to talk with his Quebecois relatives in their own language. Ben’s favorite part of Primary is singing time. He knows that speaking with his grandparents in French makes them happy.

Peak View Ward

The Primary children in the Peak View Ward, Flagstaff Arizona Stake, made bread for the older members of their ward. The children also were encouraged to serve their family members and follow the example of Jesus Christ.

Logan D., 6, Michigan, likes to draw pictures and make crafts. He is excited to read the Friend every month. He enjoys sharing, going to church, and singing Primary songs. He loves his Primary teacher.
