Come, Follow Me: Book of Mormon—Support Articles and Activities
September 14–20
3 Nephi 8–11
“Arise and Come Forth unto Me”
Jesus Christ Visits the Americas, by John Scott
After you’ve studied the scripture passages for this week and reviewed the questions and activities in the manual, consider sharing any of the following articles and activities with your family. These additional resources can assist you as you strive to teach the gospel in your home.
Come unto Christ
Before Jesus Christ appeared to the Nephites, He invited them to come unto Him multiple times. He extends this invitation to us as well, ultimately promising us eternal life. (See 3 Nephi 9:14.)
“Come unto Christ.” In this Ensign article, President Henry B. Eyring teaches that inviting someone to come unto Christ “is the most important invitation you could ever offer to another person.”
“How to Come unto Christ.” In this New Era article, Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles shares three ways that we can come unto Christ.
“Youth Voices: Coming unto Christ.” Read this New Era article to hear from various youth about how they are coming unto Christ.
“How Can I Feel Close to the Savior?” In this Friend article, Elder Neil L. Andersen of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles shares how we can develop a relationship with Jesus Christ.
“Come unto Christ.” Watch this video in connection with the New Era article above by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.
“My Book about Jesus.” Print this booklet from the Friend for your children to put together.
“Coloring Page: Jesus Loves Me.” Print this page from the Friend for your children to color.
Listening to the Spirit
It took the people three times to truly hear the voice from heaven (see 3 Nephi 11:3–7). What can this teach us about what we need to do to recognize spiritual communication in our lives?
“How Can We Hear God’s Voice?” This article from the Ensign teaches us the different things we can do to hear the voice of God in our lives.
“How to Tune In to the Holy Ghost.” In this New Era article, President M. Russell Ballard, Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, shares five ways we can listen to the Spirit better.
“The Holy Ghost Is …” Use this page from the Friend to help teach your children who the Holy Ghost is and how He helps us.
“Bullfight.” In this Friend article, Brody shares how listening to the Spirit protected him.
“Opening Our Ears.” This activity from the Ensign can help your family understand how to better hear and feel the Spirit.
“The Holy Ghost.” Use this activity page from the Friend to help your children learn more about following the Spirit.