My Son, the Book of Mormon, and Me
September 2020

“My Son, the Book of Mormon, and Me,” Ensign, September 2020

Latter-day Saint Voices

My Son, the Book of Mormon, and Me

Just as the Savior ministered and taught one by one, He helps us teach our children one by one.

mother and son sitting in front of temple

Illustration by Allen Garns

One day I watched an interview with Brother Tad R. Callister, who was then the Sunday School General President. As I took notes, I had an impression on how to heal my relationship with my son, John. I was impressed that we should read the entire Book of Mormon together prior to his baptism six months later.

This impression was so clear that I even knew which room we should read in and at what time we should read. I also felt a distinct impression that we should finish our reading on the grounds of the Meridian Idaho Temple.

As we took time to read one-on-one each night, our relationship sweetened. We had more patience for each other, we better understood each other’s perspectives, and we regularly felt the presence of the Holy Ghost.

The night before we finished the book, we read Moroni’s promise that if we ask God with a sincere heart, with real intent and faith in Christ, if the Book of Mormon is true, we will know the truth of it by the power of the Holy Ghost (see Moroni 10:4–5). We felt the confirmation that the Book of Mormon is true, that Joseph Smith was a prophet, and that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the kingdom of God upon the earth.

The next day we sat on a bench on the temple grounds. We looked up at the statue of angel Moroni and read again his final testimony. Since that day, John has mentioned on multiple occasions the time we read the Book of Mormon together at the temple. Now every time I attend the temple, I see the bench and reflect on the special moment John and I had when we completed our inspired goal.

President Henry B. Eyring, Second Counselor in the First Presidency, said, “The wise parent will see that opportunity lies in leading each child, and themselves, to accept more fully the Lord’s invitation to come unto Him.”1

I think there is value in the phrase “each child.” Just as the Savior ministered and taught one by one, He helps us teach our children one by one.

The spiritual direction I received to read with John showed me that the Lord knows my children better than I do. I know if I listen to and follow His counsel, He will give me direction on how I can help lead and guide each of my children back to Him.
