I Have a Question!
January 2017

“I Have a Question!” Friend, January 2017

I Have a Question!

I Have a Question!

Joseph Smith had some big questions when he was 14. He was worried about the problems in the world around him and about his own sins. He also wondered where he could find a church like the one he read about in the New Testament.

Where do you find answers when you have a question about life or the gospel? Put a check mark by each place you look:

  • Mom or Dad

  • Prayer

  • Scriptures

  • Friends

  • TV shows

  • Grandparents

  • Online

  • Videos

  • Hymns or Primary songs

  • TV commercials or magazine ads

  • School or library books

  • Church lessons and talks

  • Schoolteachers

  • General conference

  • Bishop or Primary leader

  • The Friend

Which places do you trust the most? Color the star by the ones you think are the most trustworthy. If your checkmarks and stars don’t match up, think about where you’re looking for answers.

Journaling Answers

Writing in a journal can help you figure out answers about life and the gospel!

I wonder why …

Write down your question.

Heavenly Father, please help me find an answer to my question about …

Pray about it.


Dad, I’ve been wondering about something.

Keep your eyes and ears open.

Dear Journal …

Write down what you learn.

Keep listening and learning! You’ll find more answers to your questions.
