Remembering President Boyd K. Packer
August 2015

“Remembering President Boyd K. Packer,” Friend, Aug. 2015, 7

Remembering President Boyd K. Packer


Remembering President Boyd K. Packer

Boyd K. Packer, president of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, passed away on July 3, 2015, after a lifetime of learning and teaching the gospel. He was 90 years old.

President Packer was born September 10, 1924, in Brigham City, Utah. He and his siblings loved playing outside. Boyd began to draw what he saw. He made animals out of sticks and carved birds out of wood. He often gave these to others as gifts.

When he was five, Boyd became sick with polio, a disease that hurt the nerves that controlled his legs. He had to learn to walk again. Even after he got better, he wasn’t able to play sports. Sometimes he felt embarrassed about this, but he focused on improving his other talents instead.

After high school Boyd joined the US Army Air Force and was a bomber pilot in World War II. After the war, he worked as a seminary teacher and supervisor. He loved teaching and learning from his family too. He and his wife, Donna, raised 10 children.

President Packer was called as an Apostle in April 1970. He wanted to share his testimony with everyone. He said, “I bear my witness that the Savior lives. I know the Lord. I am His witness.”

By following President Packer’s example, you can also gain a testimony to share with others.
