Our Perfect Example
March 2012

“Our Perfect Example,” Friend, Mar. 2012, 31

Our Perfect Example

Katie K., age 10, Illinois

My mom’s calling is to help set up for Relief Society activities. One night she needed to help set up for an activity. When I found out she was leaving, I was in a bad mood. Then she asked me to serve with her. At first I didn’t want to, but I agreed. Once we got there I helped set up different stations. I liked making things look nice for the women. I forgot why I had been in a bad mood and began to think about others. If our Lord Jesus Christ washed the feet of His disciples, then it should be clear to us that He expects us to follow His example. When I helped my mom I wasn’t washing feet, but I was doing something for someone other than myself. It makes me proud to be a part of a church where members follow Jesus Christ’s example.
