“The Book of Mormon Teaches of Jesus Christ,” Friend, Jan. 2012, 14–15
Stories of Jesus
The Book of Mormon Teaches of Jesus Christ
The Old Testament tells us about Jesus Christ before He came to live on earth. He was called Jehovah. The Old Testament tells about people who followed Jehovah.
The New Testament is the book of scripture that tells us about Jesus’s life on earth. His disciples wrote about His life and His teachings.
The Book of Mormon also teaches about Jesus Christ and people who followed Him.
The Book of Mormon begins in Jerusalem during the time of the Old Testament, about 600 years before Jesus was born. It tells how the prophet Lehi and his family left Jerusalem and were led to a promised land, far across the ocean in the New World.
Prophets in the Book of Mormon taught that Jesus would come to earth. They also taught that repenting and following Jesus Christ would bring happiness.
After Jesus was crucified and resurrected in Jerusalem, He visited the New World to teach the people. He taught about baptism, the sacrament, and how to love others. He organized a church with twelve Apostles. He gathered the children and blessed them, just as He had in the New Testament.
Like the prophets in the Bible, Book of Mormon prophets shared their testimonies of Jesus Christ.
The last prophet in the Book of Mormon was Moroni, who lived about 400 years after Jesus visited the New World. Before he died, Moroni wrote that everyone who reads the Book of Mormon can know that it is true if he or she prays in faith. Moroni invited everyone to “come unto Christ” (Moroni 10:32).
Children today can also pray to receive a testimony that the Book of Mormon is true and that Jesus Christ is their Savior.
The brother of Jared saw Jesus Christ.
The voice of Jesus Christ came into Enos’s mind when he prayed.
Lehi saw Jesus Christ in a dream or vision.
King Benjamin taught the people about the Atonement of Jesus.
Left: illustrations by Robert T. Barrett; right: illustrations by Paul Mann and Gary Kapp