“Agency Is the Gift to Choose for Ourselves,” Friend, Jan. 2012, 40–41
Bringing Primary Home
Agency Is the Gift to Choose for Ourselves
You can use this lesson and activity to learn more about this month’s Primary theme.
“Happy birthday, Juliana!” Dad said. He handed Juliana a box wrapped in shiny paper and tied with a bow.
Juliana grinned. She was excited to receive a gift from her father and couldn’t wait to open the box.
Do you get excited like Juliana when you get a gift? Heavenly Father has given each of us a valuable gift. It is called agency. Agency is the ability to make our own choices.
Before we came to earth, Satan didn’t want anyone to have a choice. He wanted to force us to come to earth and do what he wanted us to do. But Heavenly Father knew it was important for us to make our own choices. With each right choice we make, we grow closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. They want us to make good choices so we can return to live with Them again.
This year in Primary we are learning about how we can use our agency to CTR—choose the right!
Illustrations by Maryn Roos