Young Missionary Lets His Chalk Do the Talking
August 2019

Local Pages

Young Missionary Lets His Chalk Do the Talking

Elder Davin Sills is a young missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. From Elwood, Utah, in the United States, he is living in New Zealand for two years while he serves as a full-time missionary for the church.

He is unpaid, in fact, he is paying his own way so that he can talk to the people of New Zealand about his beliefs and serve in the community.

He says that he is always looking for unique ways to share messages of hope and peace.

Recently he decided to create a chalk drawing of Jesus Christ at Cathedral Square in Christchurch.

It was Elder Sills’ first attempt at a chalk drawing.

He said, “It was cool when some children walked by and said, ‘Hey look, that’s Jesus.’ I was so happy that they recognised Him.”

Elder Sills’ love for art comes from his mother. He remembers her doing pastel drawings.

“There’s a big picture of Christ in our living room,” he said, “My love for the Saviour brought me out on a mission. I encourage people to come unto Christ because I know He can help them find peace.

“I love New Zealand. I love the people. They are loving and caring and giving, and I love that.”
