Frequently Asked Questions

For the Strength of Youth (FSY) Conferences

What are FSY conferences?

For the Strength of Youth (FSY) conferences are five-day events that include activities, devotionals, and classes designed to help strengthen faith in Jesus Christ and provide opportunities for youth to grow spiritually, socially, physically, and intellectually.

Check out the What is FSY? page for videos about the experience and the Schedule page to see what activities you'll do every day.

At what age am I eligible to participate in an FSY conference?

You may attend FSY beginning in the year you turn 14 and may be no older than 18 by the end of the session you plan to attend.

How much does it cost to attend FSY?

You will be asked to pay $75 USD or $100 CAD  upon registration. If this will cause you undue financial hardship, please speak with a member of your bishopric before you register and they may use ward funds to cover the cost. If they agree to use ward funds, they must indicate this in the Youth Approval Tool before you register. Otherwise, you will be asked to pay upon registration.

Additionally, the ward will be billed $75 USD or $100 CAD for each youth. Please see the Billing Information page for additional details.

Where do I find information for my specific session?

After you register, go to your FSY Dashboard. Scroll to the bottom and click on the Session Information link where you will find details for your specific session. Note that some information won’t be available until two weeks before the session.

What options are available for youth who speak languages other than English?

Please see the Language Support page for available options.

Can friends not of our faith attend FSY?

Yes! The youth should meet with a member of the bishopric to ensure he or she meets the participation requirements and is willing to follow the standards as outlined in For the Strength of Youth: A Guide for Making Choices and the FSY Conference Standards and Policies. The youth will need to create a Church account at They do not need to be a member to create an account.

Can a youth go to FSY twice in one year?

No, youth may only go to FSY once per year.

Are dietary accommodations available?

Dairy-free, nut-free, gluten-free, vegetarian, and vegan options are available at most campuses. Other dietary restrictions may also be accommodated depending on the campus. Please see the FSY Conference Accessibility page on how to request dietary accommodations.

What accommodations are available for youth with disabilities or medical needs?

Please see the FSY Conference Accessibility page for information.

I identify differently than my biological sex at birth. How can I participate in FSY?

Please reach out to the FSY team at to learn more or see the “Participation Related to Gender Identity” section within registration for more information.

What should I do after I register?

Check out the “I’m registered. Now what?” section on the What is FSY? page for more information.

What is the timeline to register?

See the Registration Timeline page for more information.

What is pre-registration?

Pre-registration is the first phase of getting registered for FSY. It is a process where youth can indicate their session and group preferences. This significantly improves their chances of attending their preferred session with up to five other youth if desired.

After pre-registration ends, session assignments are distributed to those who completed the process. These assignments will be made based on the preferences you indicated during pre-registration, your session link with friends, and available space at sessions. In the unlikely event that your session preferences are full by the time you are randomly selected for assignment, you will receive no session assignment but will still be allowed to register before those that didn’t pre-register. Please see the Registration Timeline page for details.

To finalize registration and secure your spot, you must:

  • Log in and submit payment
  • Complete any additional campus waivers

If desired, you may also request a roommate.

* Important notes about session links:

  • Links are capped at six people with no exceptions
  • Everyone in the link must be on-cycle.
  • All individuals must use the same link code to join the session link
  • Session preferences must be available to all youth in the session link
  • Session links can be edited until the end of pre-registration
  • Youth in the same session link will all receive the same session assignment, or in the unlikely event their preferred sessions are full by the time their session link is randomly selected for assignment, all receive no session assignment
  • The link is broken after session assignments are made, which means:
    • each youth in the link must finalize their registration individually, and
    • youth will likely be in different counselor groups, unless a roommate request is added during registration finalization.
What information do I need to register?

See the Registration Checklist page for information.

How can I request a roommate?

You may request a single roommate during registration finalization and up until two weeks before your session starts. Roommates must be the same biological sex and registered for the same session. If your desired roommate isn’t assigned to the same sessions as you, you can wait until On-cycle Open Registration to register for any available spot in your country of residence. See the Registration Timeline for more information.

If roommates are in different age-groups (13-15 years old or 16-18 years old), they will automatically be placed in the older group. If the roommates prefer to be in the younger group, you may email FSY conferences with the request. Please include both roommates in the email as well.

The first youth will register without requesting a roommate and provide his or her registration confirmation to the second youth, who will enter that into the roommate request field when they register. It is not possible to request more than one roommate. Every effort is made in honoring roommate requests; however, they are not guaranteed.

Occasionally, participants may not be assigned a roommate due to the housing layouts at select campuses. For most instances, however, if you do not request a specific roommate, you will be paired with another participant of the same biological sex.

What do I do if I am having problems with my Church account?

See the Account Error Resolutions page for solutions to common challenges.

How do I transfer to a different session or cancel my registration?

To manage your FSY registration, log in to your FSY Dashboard and select your FSY registration under “Current Registrations.”

  • To Transfer:
    • Click Transfer (not Withdraw).
    • Follow the on-screen prompts to complete the transfer.
    • Re-enter your preferred roommate’s confirmation number if needed (roommate must be in the same session).
    • Look for a confirmation page with a new number and an email confirmation. If you don’t receive these, contact FSY conferences.
  • To Withdraw:
    • Click Withdraw. Note that withdrawing removes you from the session and may prevent re-entry.
    • If you withdraw by the withdrawal deadline (see the Registration Timeline for details), you’re eligible for a refund of any charges paid upon registration (processing can take up to six weeks). If the ward agreed to pay the participant fee and you withdraw by the deadline, the ward will not be charged.

Remember, selecting Withdraw instead of Transfer will remove you from the session permanently. It’s crucial to ensure your registration details are correct for either action.

When and where is my stake invited to attend an FSY conference?

Stakes are invited to attend every other year. View the Stake Assignment page to see if your stake is assigned to attend in even or odd years.

Available sessions and dates are communicated at the end of September in the year prior to the summer a stake is invited to attend. After that time, you can find the session(s) available to your stake by navigating to the Stake Assignment page and looking up and selecting your stake's name.

What do I do if the session I want to register for is full?

Keep checking this page for available spots. If you notice an opening but it disappears when you try to register, it’s likely that someone registered just before you. Be patient and keep an eye out for more openings. Occasionally, campuses may offer extra beds, which will be posted as they become available.

If you have already registered, you may check the latest session availability by logging into your FSY Dashboard and starting the “transfer” process. If you haven’t registered yet, you can see the latest availability by beginning the registration process. Since transferring is faster than creating a new registration, even if your desired session is full, you may want to register for a different session, then continually check back as outlined above until a spot opens in your desired session. If you do this and a spot never opens, please withdraw the Sunday before the session begins by 6 pm local time so you can be reimbursed for the participant fee (or so the ward won't be charged the participant fee, if you didn't pay during registration).

Do all youth from a stake or ward attend the same FSY conference?

No, youth do not need to attend the same FSY session as their stake or ward. Youth can register for any session shown on the Stake Assignment page under their stake.

Most stakes can access multiple sessions, but some have only one session listed due to transportation needs or because there is only one available session within about 2.5 hours of the stake center. All invited youth will be able to register for any available session in their country of residence after the initial registration window. See the Registration Timeline page for details.

How much space is available in a session?

See available space in US and Canada sessions here.

Please note:

  • The availability of sessions is current as of the last time you checked the page.
  • Some sessions might seem full because FSY is saving spots for distant groups with arranged travel.
  • During Off-cycle Registration, any unclaimed spots will open to all youth in that country. Sessions in Hawaii are reserved for Hawaiian residents. See the Registration Timeline for details.
  • For the most up-to-date availability, follow these instructions. If you have already registered, check by logging into your FSY Dashboard and starting the “transfer” process. If you haven’t registered yet, you can see the latest availability by beginning the registration process. Since transferring is faster than creating a new registration, even if your desired session is full, you may want to register for a different session, then continually check back as outlined above until a spot opens in your desired session. If you do this and a spot never opens, please withdraw the Sunday before the session begins by 6 pm local time so you can be reimbursed for the participant fee (or so the ward won't be charged the participant fee, if you didn't pay during registration).
Can a youth outside of my unit attend FSY with my unit?

There are limited situations in which a youth outside of your unit may attend FSY with your unit. An out-of-unit youth may attend if he or she:

For questions about youth in other situations, please contact FSY conferences.

If the youth is a member of the Church, please have a member of the bishopric get agreement from the youth's bishop prior to approving them on the FSY approval tool.

For bishopric members, follow these steps to approve an out-of-unit youth:

  • Log in to the Approval Tool and scroll to the bottom of the page.
  • Select + Add Youth.
  • Enter the youth's Church account username.
  • Select the reason for approval.
  • Approve the youth.

If the youth is a member of the Church, an email will be sent to the youth's bishop and the approving bishop to confirm the approval.

Your ward will be charged the $75 USD or $100 CAD ward fee for any out-of-unit youth who are members of the Church. Your ward will not be charged for youth who are friends of another faith. All out-of-unit youth will be charged the $75 USD or $100 CAD participant fee upon registration (unless the ward has agreed to cover the participant fee).

What is the difference between an A/B/C session at a particular location?

Some campuses/locations are large enough for FSY to hold multiple sessions of FSY the same week in different venues on the campus. These are indicated with a letter (e.g., A, B, C, etc.). Youth registered for an A session will not be in the same counselor groups or activities as those who are in the B or C sessions. Youth registered for the same week, yet different letter sessions, may spend time together during free time. Depending on the session, these youth may also be able to spend time together during meals, classes, and/or dances.

Will FSY provide travel for me to get to the conference and return home?

You are generally required to provide your own ground transportation to and from FSY conferences. However, FSY provides transportation to some stakes based on travel time to campus. Each year, it is the responsibility of youth, parents, and your stake Young Women president to visit your Stake Assignment page to see if transportation is being provided to your stake by FSY. Even if your stake had travel provided by FSY in years past, there is no guarantee it will be provided in the future.

For more information about the policies FSY staff follow when making travel assignments, timelines, and leader responsibilities, please see the General Travel Information page (coming soon).

What should I pack?

Before attending FSY, check the FSY Conference Packing List page for general packing list items. Look for any special rules or suggestions for your campus on the Session Information page found at the bottom of your FSY Dashboard, which will be available two weeks before your session starts. Remember, when you registered, you agreed to follow the principles outlined in For the Strength of Youth: A Guide for Making Choices at FSY, including in how you dress and what you bring to the session.

It’s up to you and your parents to decide if you should bring your cell phone. If you do, you can use it during classes or other activities as the FSY staff instructs. There are even some activities where cell phone use is encouraged. It’s a good idea to download the Gospel Library, Gospel Living, and FamilySearch Tree apps before you go. Use your phone for social media, photos, and other apps only during free time, meals, breaks between activities, and appropriate activities such as the dances. Always be mindful of what you’re viewing and sharing.

What happens if I display contagious symptoms just before or while at FSY?

You must be symptom-free for 24 hours without the aid of medication before you can attend or return to an FSY session. Youth exhibiting any contagious symptoms while at FSY (vomiting, fever, diarrhea, pink eye, and so on) will need to go home immediately. Parents will be contacted and are responsible to arrange pickup for their youth within 2.5 hours of receiving notice. See the Youth Participation Agreement (coming soon) for more details.

You or your parents may contact FSY conferences to inquire about transferring to another session later in the year, if desired. Transferring to another session is dependent on space being available.

Can my parents mail or drop off items, including sending DoorDash, while I’m at FSY?

We strongly recommend AGAINST mailing or dropping off non-essential items during the session. Delivering non-essential, non-emergency items uses the valuable time of our staff and can disrupt the FSY schedule.

If essential medications or items are forgotten, please have your parents contact the session site office and make arrangements with the staff. Individuals not registered for the FSY session you are attending may not drop items off directly to you. Doing so may result in those items being confiscated until the end of the session. Contact information for the site office is on the Session Information page found at the bottom of your FSY Dashboard, and will be available the Sunday evening before the session begins.

Ordering food through DoorDash, Grubhub, and other food delivery services for a youth or for yourself while at FSY is not allowed. Doing so may result in the food being confiscated.

When is check-in and out?

Check-in is Monday between 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. at the location detailed on the Session Information page found at the bottom of your FSY Dashboard, available approximately two weeks before the session begins.

Check out is Saturday at 7:00 a.m. You will no longer be supervised by FSY staff at that time.

What do I do if I need to check in late, leave during the week, or check out early?

FSY's schedule is carefully crafted to benefit youth to the greatest extent possible. You should attend the whole session where possible. However, we recognize that unavoidable situations may arise which require you to check in late or check out early.

For any of these special requests, follow these steps:

  • Go to your FSY Dashboard.
  • Select your session
  • For late check-in:
    • Click Late Check-In.
    • Enter your check-in date and time and the reason for checking in late.
    • Click Save.
  • To leave temporarily:
    • Click Leave Temporarily.
    • Enter your check-out date and time, your check-in date and time, the name of the adult picking you up, the relation of the adult to you, and the reason for leaving.
    • Click Save.
  • For early check-out:
    • Click Early Check-Out.
    • Enter your check-out date and time, the name of the adult picking you up, the relation of the adult to you, and the reason for leaving.
    • Click Save.
What are the rules and policies of FSY conferences?

Please see the FSY Conference Standards and Policies page for more information.

Does FSY have a lost and found?

Each session has its own lost and found during the session. If you do not know where it is, you may speak with your counselor or call the site office number. This number is available on the “General” tab of the Session Information page found at the bottom of your FSY Dashboard, and will be available the Sunday night before the session begins.

Every effort is made to return lost items to you during a session, but you are encouraged to carefully check for all belongings, especially scripture​s and electronics, before leaving as FSY is unable to return or store lost and found items left unclaimed at campus locations once youth leave. Contacting the campus number listed on the Session Information page at the bottom of the FSY Dashboard may be helpful in locating items left behind after the session is over.

How are the groups within FSY structured?

FSY is structured using counselor groups and companies. Counselor groups consist of approximately 10 youth and 1 counselor of the same gender. Companies typically consist of 2 or 3 (male and female) counselor groups.

Counselor groups and companies are organized into age groups. One age group includes those 13 to 15 years old, while the other includes those 16 to 18 years old.

Roommate requests are allowed, but not guaranteed.  See the question “How Can I Request a Roommate?” under the "General" section on this page for more information.

What are the consequences if rooms are left untidy, damaged, or if keys are lost?

Please see the “Damage to Property at FSY” policy.

What if I need to make a medical claim due to an incident that occurred at FSY?

If a participant is injured while participating in a Church-sponsored activity in the United States or Canada, the Church offers Church Activity Medical Assistance (CAMA), which provides secondary medical assistance. This is designed to supplement, not replace, a person’s own health insurance (see General Handbook: Serving in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints [2020],, Those who have health insurance use it first, before using CAMA, which gives accidental injury help up to $15,000. We encourage all families to have health insurance. Those without the ability to have insurance will still have CAMA help. For any health issues requiring off-site or emergency treatment, FSY staff will contact parents regarding medical care. The activity and medical staff are also charged with recording and reporting accidents to FSY.

FSY-contracted university campuses or locations are not licensed ambulance or transport agencies. Law requires individuals requiring transportation to the emergency room be transported by a licensed ambulance. As such, FSY staff are required to call an ambulance when an FSY participant needs to be transported to an emergency room.

What responsibilities do stake and ward leaders have for helping youth register?

Stake and ward leaders in units invited to attend FSY in a given year should encourage and help all eligible youth in their unit pre-register for FSY. Youth will pre-register online with their personal Church account (or parents will pre-register on their behalf), and must be approved by a bishopric member before they can do so.

Bishoprics are responsible for approving youth through the Youth Approval Tool.

Bishopric members should assess the financial needs of youth in their ward to determine where financial assistance is needed so all can attend FSY where eligible. If financial assistance is needed, bishopric members must indicate that the ward will pay the participant fee prior to the youth pre-registering/registering as edits cannot be made afterward.

Wards are encouraged to hold an activity with youth and parents to complete their pre-registration. This should be done after bishoprics approve their youth to attend but before pre-registration closes. See the Registration Timeline to know when is best to hold the activity.

See the Local Leaders page for more detailed stake and ward leader responsibilities.

Can my stake or ward request a specific week or year, or request a week or year to avoid?

Due to volume and logistical complexity, the FSY office cannot take requests from stakes or wards for specific assignment preferences. Where travel is provided, the stake will attend together, but that choice is made by FSY, not the stake. Summer start and end dates are collected as outlined on the Stake Young Women and Young Men Presidents page so they may be taken into consideration when the FSY office makes session assignments.

Is it necessary for bishoprics to interview youth prior to approving them to register or apply?

Bishoprics do not need to interview youth prior to approval unless there are doubts about whether the youth meets the participant expectations (for in-person or general attendance) shown at the top of the Youth Approval Tool.

How much should wards budget for FSY conferences?

See the Billing Information page for more information.

Does FSY replace youth conference, Young Women camp, and Aaronic Priesthood quorum camp?

In the year a stake is on-cycle to attend FSY, they should not hold other large events, such as a youth conference or trek. Stake or ward Aaronic Priesthood and Young Women camps and other regular activities should continue as normal. Camps should be scheduled at times that do not conflict with scheduled FSY conferences.

Where can I get more information about working for FSY during the summer?

See the Young Single Adults page for more information.

Who should leaders recommend to work for FSY?

Leaders should thoughtfully encourage young single adults (YSA) to apply as field staff for FSY conferences. These field staff members play a crucial role in influencing the youth. Leaders should specifically encourage YSAs who can positively impact the youth’s faith and maintain mental and physical well-being and emotional stability. YSAs who disagree with the Church’s teachings or are involved in a Church membership council should not be encouraged to apply. To review responsibilities and qualifications, visit the BYU Employment page.

Field staff are expected to serve for a minimum of four weeks, not necessarily consecutively. In return, they will receive weekly pay, travel to and from sessions, meals, and accommodation at sessions.

YSAs interested in becoming a member of FSY field staff can apply at The Ecclesiastical Clearance Office will contact the applicant’s bishop for ecclesiastical clearance prior to hiring them.