Seminaries and Institutes
Genesis 22: The Sacrifice of Isaac

“Genesis 22: The Sacrifice of Isaac,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide (2002), 27–29

“Genesis 22,” Old Testament Seminary Student Study Guide, 27–29

Genesis 22

The Sacrifice of Isaac

If the Lord asked you to give something up, what would be the one thing hardest for you to let go of? Would you do it? Why? Genesis 22 tells the story of one of the greatest tests God has ever given to anyone. Before reading chapter 22, read what the Lord said to Church members in Doctrine and Covenants 101:4–5. While you read Genesis 22, put yourself in either Abraham’s or Isaac’s place and consider what you would have been thinking at each point in the story.

Studying the Scriptures

Do three of the following activities (A–E) as you study Genesis 22.

  1. A Type of Christ

    1. Read Jacob 4:3–5 and explain what we learn about the story of Abraham and Isaac.

      Abraham and Isaac

      The Sacrifice of the Son of God

    2. List as many details as you can about the story of Abraham and Isaac that teach us something about the Atonement of Jesus Christ. You may want to organize the information in a chart like the one shown.

  2. Find and Note Examples

    1. Make a list of all the evidence you can find in Genesis 22:1–14 that demonstrates Abraham’s obedience, faithfulness, and dedication to God.

    2. Choose one item from your list that especially impresses you and write about how you could apply it in your life.

  3. Ponder and Write about Sacrifice

    1. Why do you think Abraham was willing to offer his son as a sacrifice?

    2. What does the Lord ask you to offer as a sacrifice? (see 3 Nephi 9:19–20).

    3. Why would a person be willing to offer sacrifices to God?

    As you consider your answers to these questions, consider the following teaching of the Prophet Joseph Smith: “For a man to lay down his all, his character and reputation, his honor, and applause, his good name among men, his houses, his lands, his brothers and sisters, his wife and children, and even his own life also … requires more than mere belief … that he is doing the will of God; but actual knowledge, realizing that, when these sufferings are ended, he will enter into eternal rest, and be a partaker of the glory of God” (Lectures on Faith, 68; see also Paul’s teaching in Hebrews 11:17–19).

  4. Compare the Promises

    Read the promises of God to Abraham in Genesis 12:2–3; 13:14–16; 15:5; 17:2, 4, 7. Compare them to what God promised Abraham in Genesis 22:15–18. In what ways are they the same or different?

  5. Ponder and Write about How Testing and Trying Experiences Strengthen Our Faith

    How do trials like this one of Abraham and Isaac strengthen our faith in Christ? Some of the insights in the “Understanding the Scriptures” section may help you answer.