We Are Marching On to Glory


We Are Marching On to Glory


1. We are marching on to glory;

We are working for our crown.

We will make our armor brighter

And never lay it down.


We are marching, marching homeward

To that bright land afar.

We work for life eternal;

It is our guiding star.

2. Then day by day we are marching;

To heaven we are bound.

Each good act brings us nearer

That home where we’ll be crowned.


We are marching, marching homeward

To that bright land afar.

We work for life eternal;

It is our guiding star.

3. Then, with the ransomed children

That throng the starry throne,

We will praise our Lord and Savior,

His pow’r and mercy own.


We are marching, marching homeward

To that bright land afar.

We work for life eternal;

It is our guiding star.

Text and music: John M. Chamberlain, 1844–1930

Doctrine and Covenants 27:15–18

1 Timothy 6:12
