In Fasting We Approach Thee


In Fasting We Approach Thee


1. In fasting we approach thee here

And pray thy Spirit from above

Will cleanse our hearts, cast out our fear,

And fill our hunger with thy love.

2. Thru this small sacrifice, may we

Recall that strength and life each day

Are sacred blessings sent from thee—

Fill us with gratitude, we pray.

3. And may our fast fill us with care

For all thy children now in need.

May we from our abundance share,

Thy sheep to bless, thy lambs to feed.

4. This fast, dear Father, sanctify—

Our faith and trust in thee increase.

As we commune and testify,

May we be filled with joy and peace.

Text: Paul L. Anderson, b. 1946. © 1981 Paul L. Anderson and Lynn R. Carson. This hymn may be copied for incidental, noncommercial church or home use.

Music: Clay Christiansen, b. 1949. © 1985 IRI

Moroni 6:5

Isaiah 58:6–11
