Jesus of Nazareth, Savior and King


Jesus of Nazareth, Savior and King


1. Jesus of Nazareth,

Savior and King!

Triumphant over death,

Life thou didst bring,

Leaving thy Father’s throne,

On earth to live,

Thy work to do alone,

Thy life to give.

2. While of this broken bread

Humbly we eat,

Our thoughts to thee are led

In rev’rence sweet.

Bruised, broken, torn for us

On Calvary’s hill—

Thy suff’ring borne for us

Lives with us still.

3. As to our lips the cup

Gently we press,

Our hearts are lifted up;

Thy name we bless!

Guide us where’er we go,

Till in the end

Life evermore we’ll know

Through thee, our Friend.

Text and music: Hugh W. Dougall, 1872–1963

John 6:38–40

John 15:13
