Jesus Christ Has the Power to Bring Peace
March 2023

Member Voices

Jesus Christ Has the Power to Bring Peace

Jesus Christ has the power to bring peace in the midst of the storms of life. We often think that living the gospel will make our lives rosy and that we will always be positive and without difficulty. However, many of us will face our personal challenges, and our storms on our way as followers of the Savior Jesus Christ.

The gospel is the light that guides us through the darkness, the darkness we can face individually. We all have our moments when a storm darkens our path. We feel that nothing goes as we wish that no matter how hard we try, some obstacle always comes our way, like a storm in the middle of a sunny day.

Just as storms bring rain, and winds, and whip up everything in their path, they are necessary to enjoy a beautiful rainbow.

One of the things I carry in my emergency backpack for life’s storms is prayer. In 1 Nephi 18:21–22, Nephi offers a prayer to the Lord and the storm ceases. Just as Nephi prayed in faith, we too can find comfort through prayer. Perhaps our storm won’t go away instantly, but we do find the comfort and peace we need.

Another thing I carry in my storm emergency backpack is a diary, and there I deposit my thoughts and feelings; writing is therapeutic.

Sometimes we think we’re the only ones who struggle and feel lonely, but I found a talk in the Church library related to my challenges and it lets me know that other people are struggling with their storms too. This helps me understand that I am not alone, and that people are willing to help me.

When I was baptized in 2018, I felt great joy; I had been looking for a church where I would feel calm and peaceful. I visited many churches, including some very good ones, but I never felt at home. Months after I was baptized, I finally understood that to feel at home is to feel the love of my Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the companionship of the Holy Ghost. That is my true peace amid the storms that plague day-to-day life.

Finally, I would like to share my testimony that I know our Father loves us and that He is with us all the time. We need to speak to Him and communicate our sorrows to Him, He already knows our concerns, but He needs us to tell Him. I testify that He longs to help and to listen to us.
