The Times of Restitution
July 2023

“The Times of Restitution,” For the Strength of Youth, July 2023.

Line upon Line

The Times of Restitution

Learn what the Apostle Peter told the people about the Restoration.

First Vision

First Vision, by Walter Rane

times of refreshing

The “times of refreshing” Peter talked about are when Jesus Christ comes again. After the Second Coming, “the earth will be renewed and receive its paradisiacal glory” (Articles of Faith 1:10).

times of restitution of all things

The “times of restitution of all things” are when the Restoration of the gospel takes place. That time includes the latter days (our days!) and when Jesus Christ comes again.

Restoration means to bring back or return. The Restoration of the gospel began in the spring of 1820, when Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ appeared to the Prophet Joseph Smith. That is when many things began to be brought back to the earth, including Jesus Christ’s pure truths, priesthood authority, and Church.

all his holy prophets since the world began

Since ancient times, prophets have foretold that the Son of God, Jesus Christ, would come to earth and be our Savior. They also foretold that Jesus Christ would come a second time.

And prophets also foretold that before the Savior comes again, He would restore His gospel and His Church to the earth. The Restoration that the prophets foretold is happening in our day.
