“Be an Answer to Someone’s Prayer,” For the Strength of Youth, July 2023.
Come, Follow Me
Be an Answer to Someone’s Prayer
Following promptings helps us make a difference.
Such as I Have I Give unto Thee, by Walter Rane
Peter and John heal a man at the temple.
You may feel you don’t have much to give. But you have your faith in Jesus Christ, and your faith in Him is enough to lead to some rather marvelous things.
Shortly after Jesus Christ’s death and Resurrection, Peter and John went to the temple, where a man who could not walk sat just outside and asked them for a donation.
Peter said to the man, “Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk” (see Acts 3:6; emphasis added).
Peter pulled the man to his feet. For the first time in his life, the man could stand. He walked and even leapt for joy. Peter’s faith in Christ gave him courage to heal the man by the power of the priesthood.
Let’s be honest, though. You’re probably not going to be healing everyone’s physical ailments all the time. But your faith can help in other ways. Like Peter, what you have, you can give.
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Making a Difference
Have you ever prayed to feel less lonely? Or that someone would be your friend?
Has someone ever shown up, called, or texted you in that moment? They could have been following a prompting and trying to improve, just like you. All they did was faithfully use a little of their time, some of their courage, and a bit of kindness—in other words, what they had. You too can let your faith push you to act on promptings.
Elder Ronald A. Rasband of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles has taught: “We have the sacred responsibility to learn to recognize [the Holy Ghost’s] influence in our lives and respond.”1
You don’t always notice when or if you’ve made a difference in someone’s day, so it can be hard to see the purpose of following promptings.
However, trying to serve—doing what you can—will make you feel happy and accomplished even if you don’t always see the outcomes. As you listen to promptings, the Holy Ghost will help you learn how to serve others, even with a busy schedule. As Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles has taught: “Prayers are answered … most of the time … by God using other people. Well, I pray that he’ll use us. I pray that we’ll be the answer to people’s prayers.”2
Joy for Everybody
Through doing good, you can be the answer to others’ prayers and find joy along the way—and in the eternities. As Elder Rasband has taught: “Joy comes as peace amidst hardship or heartache. It provides comfort and courage, unfolds the truths of the gospel, and expands our love for the Lord and all God’s children.”3 In other words, you also become more Christlike.
Just give what you can, starting with a little time and obedience.
Sometimes, of course, you’re the one who needs a little extra help. Here too, a loving Heavenly Father sends promptings to others. They can find joy while becoming an answer to your prayers, just like you could be an answer to theirs. That means there are billions of possible answers, and the next could be walking down the street, about to say hello.