4 Ways to Support Friends in Part-Member Families
July 2023

“4 Ways to Support Friends in Part-Member Families,” For the Strength of Youth, July 2023.

Life Help

4 Ways to Support Friends in Part-Member Families

You can help everyone feel loved and cared for at church regardless of their circumstances.

Families come in all types. People you see at church, for example, may have family members who are not Church members or who have chosen to step away from the Church. Without family support, it can be hard for people to participate at church, or even feel like they belong.

That’s where you come in!

You can play an important role in blessing all types of families, in all types of circumstances. Here are a few ways you can help:

young woman praying

Illustrations by Oksana Grivina

Pray for Ways to Help

Pray to know how you can help both those who do come to church and their families. Be ready to take action on answers you receive.

friends and family

Get to Know the Family

If possible, try getting to know your friend’s whole family. This will help you know what support your friend has at home and what makes participating at church complicated for them. As you get to know the family better, you can be inspired to help in specific ways that are needed.

youth climbing stairs

Be Sure to Consistently Live the Gospel

Many people become interested in the Church when they see members living what they believe. You never know who is watching. You can accomplish a lot of good simply by living the gospel. Doing so will bless your life and can help bring the light of the gospel to those around you.

diverse people

Simply Be Kind

Don’t underestimate how simple kindness can make a big difference. For example:

If you see someone sitting alone at church, sit next to them or offer to have them sit with your family.

If they can’t get to church or other activities on their own, offer to give them a ride or invite them to come with your family.

It’s also important to include your friends in activities. An invitation to a ward or family activity may seem small, but it can help your friend choose to stay close to the Savior and His Church if they feel they are included.
