Friends by Mail
February 2020

“Friends by Mail,” Friend, February 2020

Friends by Mail

pictures and letters from kids

My Friend Cover

I drew the cover of the June 2019 Friend!

Amelia H., age 4, Michigan, USA

Mini Spaghetti Pizzas

It was fun making the mini spaghetti pizzas (March 2019) as a family, and we all loved them!

Austin and Jade A., age 7 and 9, Texas, USA

Matt and Mandy

When a new Friend comes in the mail, I like to lay out all the Matt and Mandy pages so I can see how the story builds from last month.

Rockwell R., age 8, Idaho, USA

Dear Friends,

If you’re seven or older, you probably already have the new booklet called Personal Development: Children’s Guidebook. It’s a fun way to grow, try new things, and become more like Jesus. On page 26 of this month’s magazine, you can read about how some Primary children followed Jesus by being kind and inclusive. And you’ll find a beautiful new song, “I Will Walk with Jesus,” on page 27.

Write and tell us how you’re using your new guidebook to become more like Jesus!


The Friend

Standards Search!

Can you find a story in this issue that talks about clean language?

I found it! Page ______.

Bonus challenge! Memorize this month’s standard: “I will not swear or use crude words” (Children’s Guidebook, 63).