Show and Tell: Conference
November 2015

“Show and Tell: Conference,” Friend, Nov. 2015, 7

Show and Tell: Conference

Devyn and Dante N., ages 8 and 11, Utah, USA, like watching conference as a family. “I like the focus on family messages,” said Devyn. Dante said watching conference makes him feel safe. “We always talk about what the talks mean and how the messages can help our family.”

My favorite talk was by President Eyring. He talked about how important it is to listen to promptings from the Holy Ghost and to not hesitate. “Do it,” he said. When we listen and obey, our power to choose the right increases. I know that if I choose the right, the Holy Ghost will always be with me and I will have joy.

Sadie W., age 10, Maryland, USA

I liked when Brother Durrant talked about ponderizing. That’s a funny word that means I can spend time every day thinking about what different scriptures mean. I know that if I think about the scriptures more every day, I can be kind and do what Jesus wants me to do. I love Jesus because I know that He is our Savior.

Adalynn F., age 7, North Dakota, USA

President Nelson told about how he operated on a baby patient who died. He went home and cried and said he would never do another heart operation. His wife helped him go back to work and keep learning. Eventually he was able to save President Kimball’s life because he had learned enough about heart surgery. The moral of this true story is, “Don’t give up!” Sometimes I want to give up, but I’m going to keep trying, like President Nelson.

Thomas T., age 8, Washington, D.C., USA

Show and Tell: Conference
