September 2008

“Comment,” Ensign, Sept. 2008, 78


Turned to the Savior

Thank you for the article “Armor of Battle, Armor of God” (Ensign, June 2008, 24). My husband is in the Navy and returned in December from a goodwill deployment in Africa. Only two weeks ago, the ship left again for a three-month trip. We have small children, and my days are full of fun and frustration. How I needed a reminder to turn to my Savior rather than try to fill my empty evenings with entertainment.

Michelle Callihan, Virginia

Hymns of Sweet Comfort

I would like to share my own experience with “The Healing Power of Hymns” (Ensign, April 2008, 66). One early October morning, my husband, age 57, died unexpectedly of a heart attack. I remember that first Sunday after losing him, forcing myself up the sidewalk and into the chapel alone. It was so difficult to sit on that bench and feel the vacancy beside me. But then the opening song brought sweet comfort to me: “Lead, kindly light … I do not ask to see the distant scene—one step enough for me” (Hymns, no. 97).

Orvetta Groom, Utah

Hands Guided by the Spirit

Thank you for your recent article, “The Spiritual Component of Healing” (Ensign, June 2008, 46). As an emergency medicine physician, I have witnessed patients and families encounter the differing manifestations of the gift of healing in the face of tragedy. Thank you for discussing the relationship of medical science with the Spirit in the healing process. An additional spiritual component of healing we should remember is the influence of the Spirit on those medical providers from whom we seek help. The gift of healing and the power of the Spirit to heal often extend to the hands and minds of those health professionals caring for our loved ones.

Rourke M. Yeakley, MD, Idaho

Answers and More Answers

I received my July Ensign today and flipped right to “Lesson from a Milk Jug” (p. 48). It was an answer to hours of tearful prayers. I, too, have been dealing with the consequences of my husband’s choices, and it can be a very lonely road to travel as a young wife. For every step I take forward, I feel as if I’m taking two back. I have prayed for peace and understanding, but the answers just didn’t seem to be coming.

But then I read “Lesson from a Milk Jug;” the Spirit overcame me and the tears just flowed. It was Heavenly Father’s way of reminding me, once again, that I’m not alone in this, and that I can be healed of my pain through Christ’s Atonement, if I will just let Him carry me.

Then I turned the page to “Hope, Healing, and Dealing with Addiction” (p. 50) and found many more answers that I’ve been praying for, answers I haven’t been able to find elsewhere. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I know you were guided at this time to share these stories.

Name Withheld
