Happy Birthday, Dear Ancestor
July 2001

“Happy Birthday, Dear Ancestor,” Ensign, July 2001, 70

Happy Birthday, Dear Ancestor

Once a month, as a special Sabbath activity, I bake a cake and honor our direct-line ancestors whose birthdays fall during that month. I place each ancestor’s name and birthday on a yearly calendar so I know at a glance who we will honor that month.

Usually, after our family has enjoyed cake and ice cream, I read the biographies of our ancestors or share an interesting fact or story about them. If I have any of their heirlooms, I show those and explain their significance as well. This activity helps to acquaint our children with their heritage and does not require a great deal of preparation.—Marlene Cameron Thomas, Pellissippi Ward, Knoxville Tennessee Stake

Photo by Lana Leishman
