Die Führung der Kirche

The first presidency sit together in the Church Office Building. They are participating in a press conference. The image includes: Russell M. Nelson, Dallin H. Oaks, and Henry B. Eyring.

Die Kirche Jesu Christi der Heiligen der Letzten Tage folgt dem gleichen Muster wie die Kirche, die Jesus Christus während seines irdischen Wirkens aufgerichtet hat und die in unserer Zeit wiederhergestellt wurde. Christus ist weiterhin das Oberhaupt der Kirche und leitet seine erwählten Diener bei der Führung der Kirche.

Die Führer der weltweiten Kirche sind als Generalautoritäten und oberste Beamte bekannt. Zu den Generalautoritäten gehören die Erste Präsidentschaft, das Kollegium der Zwölf Apostel, die Generalautorität-Siebziger und die Präsidierende Bischofschaft. Zu den obersten Beamten gehören die auf oberster Ebene tätigen Präsidentschaften der Frauenhilfsvereinigung, der Primarvereinigung, der Sonntagsschule, der Jungen Damen und der Jungen Männer.

Die Erste Präsidentschaft ist das oberste Führungsgremium der Kirche. Gemeinsam mit dem Kollegium der Zwölf Apostel sind die Mitglieder der Ersten Präsidentschaft besondere Zeugen für Jesus Christus. Sie bemühen sich um Führung vom Herrn, um die Angelegenheiten der Kirche leiten zu können.

Die Generalautoritäten, die obersten Beamten und alle sonstigen Führer der Kirche bemühen sich ebenfalls um göttliche Führung, um einzelnen Mitgliedergruppen der Kirche in aller Welt liebevoll dienen zu können.

Übersicht der Generalautoritäten und der obersten Beamten der Kirche herunterladen

Die Führung der Kirche

Die Erste Präsidentschaft und das Kollegium der Zwölf Apostel

Die obersten Beamten

The Relief Society General Presidency (Beginning August 2022)

Relief Society General Presidency

The Relief Society General Presidency is called to lead the Relief Society, the Church’s organization for women, which has millions of members worldwide. The presidency is composed of a president, who is called by the President of the Church, and two counselors. These three women travel around the world to visit, teach, and minister to the women of the Church. They also counsel with other general Church leaders to strengthen the women of the Church and their families.

Portraits of the Young Men General Presidency

Young Men General Presidency

The Young Men organization promotes growth and development in young men through Sunday instruction and weekday activities. The Young Men General Presidency, which directs this organization for the whole Church, consists of a president and two counselors. These three men are responsible for supporting young men ages 12 to 18 in the Church as they serve in the Aaronic Priesthood. Members of the Young Men General Presidency travel frequently to minister to Church members around the world and to strengthen the young men of the Church.

Emily Belle Freeman, Tamara W. Runia, and Andrea Munoz Spannaus

Young Women General Presidency

The Young Women organization promotes growth and development in young women through Sunday instruction and weekday activities. The Young Women General Presidency, which directs this organization for the whole Church, consists of a president and two counselors. These three women are responsible for supporting young women ages 12 to 18 as they serve in the Church and prepare to make temple covenants. Members of the Young Women General Presidency travel frequently to minister to Church members around the world and to strengthen the young women of the Church.

Primary General Presidency, including President Susan H. Porter (center), First Counselor, Sister Amy Wright (left), and Second Counselor, Sister Tracy Y. Browning (right).

Primary General Presidency

The Primary is an organization for children ages 18 months to 11 years. It teaches them about the gospel of Jesus Christ and helps them build faith. The Primary General Presidency, which directs the Primary for the whole Church, consists of a president and two counselors. These three women work to strengthen children and families throughout the Church. Members of the Primary General Presidency travel frequently to meet with and teach Primary leaders and children throughout the world. They counsel with other general and local Church leaders to teach, serve, and watch over the children and families of the Church.

General Sunday School Presidency

Sunday School General Presidency

The Sunday School General Presidency is responsible for religious instruction in the Church. The presidency consists of a president and two counselors who travel frequently to minister to Church members around the world, helping them improve religious teaching in Church meetings and in the home. They also work to strengthen members’ commitment to personal and family scripture study and help them increase their faith in Jesus Christ.