Make Some Joyful Noise
June 2017

“Make Some Joyful Noise,” New Era, June 2017

Make Some Joyful Noise

“I have set thee a watchman unto the house of Israel: therefore thou shalt hear the word at my mouth, and warn them from me” (Ezekiel 33:7).

young women walking

From his lofty perch, the watchman’s piercing eyes scan the expanse before him. In one hand, he grips a long ram’s horn to blow at any sign of an enemy approaching. He stands steady, alert, and ready to warn his neighbors (see Ezekiel 33:6–7).

Is this how you imagine the watchman from ancient days? Maybe an older man with a beard? Do you ever imagine the watchman is a teenager? Do you ever imagine the watchman is you?

We often talk about the prophets’ duty as watchmen, but in the April 2017 general conference, Elder D. Todd Christofferson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles reminded us that prophets shouldn’t be the only warning voices.

“In fact, ‘it becometh every man who hath been warned to warn his neighbor’ [D&C 88:81],” he said. “We who have received a knowledge of the great plan of happiness—and its implementing commandments—should feel a desire to share that knowledge since it makes all the difference here and in eternity.”

He even gave a special call to you.

“We trust that especially you of the rising generation, youth and young adults on whom the Lord must rely for the success of His work in future years, will sustain the teachings of the gospel and the standards of the Church in public as well as in private.”

The Lord is relying on you to climb up to the tower and pull out your trumpet. Don’t let any fears keep you quiet. It’s time to make some noise! But not just any noise.

“This is not to say that we should bang on our neighbor’s door or stand in the public square shouting, ‘Repent!’” Elder Christofferson said. “Truly, when you think about it, we have in the restored gospel what people, deep down, really want. So the warning voice is generally not only civil, but in the Psalmist’s phrase, it is a ‘joyful noise’ [Psalm 66:1; 98:4].”

So make some joyful noise!

How can you make a joyful noise?

Identify the joy of the gospel.

Why does the gospel bring you joy? Your personal testimony and your personal experiences are extremely important. Remember, “People may sometimes intellectually question what you teach, but it is difficult to question a sincere, heartfelt testimony” (Preach My Gospel [2004], 199).

Ask yourself: Why does repenting bring me peace? How does knowing the plan of Salvation give me hope? Why does following the prophet help me?

“When I read the scriptures, my day goes so much better.”

Start with love.

“The motivation for raising the warning voice is love—love of God and love of fellowman,” Elder Christofferson said. “To warn is to care.”

Think about those you care about who aren’t members of the Church. They might not know the things you know or see the things you see. As a watchman, you can help share the light of the gospel with them. If you feel nervous or scared, focus on your love for your friends, because “perfect love casteth out all fear” (Moroni 8:16)

“What do you believe about God?”

Speak up.

Once again, this doesn’t mean you need to bang on any doors or go screaming through town square. But when you have experienced the blessings of the gospel and you love others, you have every reason to “make a joyful noise unto the Lord” (Psalm 98:4). You are the watchman, and it’s up to you to warn your neighbor. Don’t let your friends miss out on the amazing blessings of the gospel.

How will you make a joyful noise?
