Reminded of My Worth
June 2017

“Reminded of My Worth,” New Era, June 2017

Reminded of My Worth

Brenna B., Utah, USA

young woman reading patriarchal blessing

Before I received my patriarchal blessing, my stake patriarch asked me to bear my testimony. When I did it, I cried, which made me feel weak and unimportant. But the patriarch told me that I was crying because I felt the Spirit. There was no need to be embarrassed.

Then when I received my blessing, I felt like God was also telling me that I was not weak. God knows me and loves me.

My patriarchal blessing has been a huge help in my life. When I get very emotional and feel like I’m not important and that no one understands me, I can read my blessing and realize I have worth and a purpose. I am reminded that I can become that amazing person I’ve always wanted to be.
