What’s in It for You
July 2008

“What’s in It for You,” New Era, July 2008

What’s in It for You

Mutual Activity Idea

• Have a career night. Invite members of your ward in a variety of professions to give short presentations on their jobs and what they did to prepare. If possible, you can ask presenters to demonstrate or teach a simple skill used in their profession.

Personal Progress or Duty to God

• Select a skill that you would like to learn, and create a plan to accomplish it. For example, if you would like to take better photographs, you might sign up for a community class. Or ask someone who is proficient to critique your work and help you improve. Perhaps you could sign up for swimming lessons or a creative writing class to improve your ability. You could even learn an unusual skill such as riding a unicycle or learning tricks with a yo-yo. The value of learning will become clear as you persist and succeed in your simple goals.

Family Home Evening Idea

• Read the article “Recipe for a Happy Home” on page 16. Notice what the Ronndahl family did to avoid having boring family home evenings. Talk about what your family needs to do to make family home evenings enjoyable for everyone. Be flexible and willing to change as family members grow older.

Photographs by Robert Casey and Getty Images
