We’ve Got Mail
September 2005

“We’ve Got Mail,” New Era, Sept. 2005, 50

We’ve Got Mail

Helps Me Feel Peace

Being a teenager is tough, and I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t have the gospel in my life. There are so many things in the Church that make my life easier. One of those is the New Era. This magazine helps me so much when I read it. There are so many stories in this magazine that inspire me and help me feel peace in my life. I want to go through the rest of my teenage years reading the best magazine in the world.
Katie Sue Love, Chatfield Ward, Columbine Colorado Stake

Humor for Dad

Thank you for the great stories and posters, which I have put all over my bedroom door. I enjoy The Extra Smile also. I share it with my dad and like to hear him laugh.
Emily Huffaker, Capitol Ward, Lansing Michigan Stake

We Believe

I liked the article “Know What We Believe” (June 2005). I guess it really is important to memorize the Articles of Faith so we can know what to say when people ask us what we believe. I had memorized a few but didn’t really think about how good these were to have memorized. Now I’m going to try and memorize all 13!
Lauren Riddle, Savage Mill Ward, Columbia Maryland Stake

Loving the Church

I am 14 years old, and I am a convert to the Church. I enjoy going to church. I get the New Era every month, and it just adds to my love of the Church!
Farryn Nichols, Hidden Springs Ward, Moreno Valley California Stake

Learning Parentese

“How to Talk to Your Parents” (June 2005) made a big difference in my life. I really needed to read it. My parents and I don’t often have communication problems, but there are times when we disagree about curfew and such, and things get a little sticky. I liked learning new ways to cope with things and thinking about listening to what they have to say more often. Thank you for this article. I think it is great to put articles like this in the New Era so that teenagers can change how they are acting to become more Christlike.
Carmen Purnell, Cloverdale Ward, Meridian Idaho Stake

I really enjoyed the article in the June New Era about talking to your parents. It has helped me to be more patient with my mom when she says something to me that hurts my feelings. It has helped me realize when she is grateful for my help. She always was, but now I can see it, and I have a greater desire to help out around the house. This article was definitely an eye-opener for me. Thank you so much for putting it in. It came at a point in my life when I needed it most. I hope it has helped other teens as much as it did me.
Anne Hurst, Blanding First Ward, Blanding Utah Stake

Illustrated by Bill Mayer
