Why Me?
June 1995

“Why Me?” New Era, June 1995, 23

Special Issue:
The Scriptures—Written for You

Why Me?

Things might have been very different. Why have I been so blessed?

Of all that I have been blessed with, one of my greatest blessings is to have been born into a family that reads daily from the Book of Mormon. Parents are wonderful teachers, and the Book of Mormon is one of the best texts.

I fear what my life would be like without this book. During times of sickness and adversity, would I have given in to the temptation and held a grudge against God? When my friends began chewing, smoking, and drinking, would I have joined them if not for the testimony I had?

I’ve thought to myself many times, Why of all the families on the earth was I born into this one? I often stand on the hills near my home and look at the city and think of all the people in the world. I can feel the truthfulness of the gospel at these times and the happiness it can bring. I often wonder why I’ve been blessed with a gospel-centered family that reads from the Book of Mormon daily.

I realize it’s not something I’ve earned, and because of this great blessing I have great responsibilities and obligations. I must not only live the gospel; I must spread it to all who will hear, as well. I must live an exemplary life and be a blessing to others. I must be a living testimony of our Savior, a duty I know will be the greatest joy of my life.

Photography by Steve Bunderson
