The Park Bench
August 1985

“The Park Bench,” New Era, Aug. 1985, 30

The Park Bench

Come with me to the crayon-green park bench,

Long unsat-upon,

Dusted with dried wheaten grass,

Bedecked in spider web,

Fine threads clinging …

Wisping silver in the sunlight;

Tiers of them,

Caught with yellow strawflowers,

—Sticky hammocks for unlucky flies—

Webs thick with fallen twigs,

Seeming to grow out of the green boards.

Run your fingers between the slats of the back …

Find dusty treasures

In the bench’s secret cache.

Sit down

And stay awhile,

The bench has much to tell you.

Art by Dina Olson

Art by Kerry Soper

Photo by Bobbi Jane Rice

Art by Carrie Strong
