There is no unimportant person
March 1971

“There is no unimportant person,” New Era, Mar. 1971, 50

There is no unimportant person

“The Spoken Word” from Temple Square, presented over KSL and the Columbia Broadcasting System, December 13, 1970. © 1970 by Richard L. Evans

As we remember the words of the Master of mankind, the poor in spirit come to mind at this moment. Whatever else it may mean, there are many who are downhearted and discouraged, who feel little appreciation, little part, little purpose, little of life’s fulfillment; many who somehow have come to have a poor opinion of themselves. We remember the words of a young girl who said, “I’m nobody special. I’m just a person. I don’t mean anything to anyone. I don’t even mean much to me.” Children who are made to feel that they are not important, not wanted, not noticed, often shrink within themselves and fail to realize what they could become. One of the most precious and most essential things in all this world is the sense of belonging, of being wanted, useful, having a purpose, having a part, being appreciated. Children, young people, old people—all need to know that they are important and appreciated; that they can make their meaningful contribution to the total. Letting a person think little of himself is a pitiful waste. There is nobody who is nothing. The impaired, the handicapped, the shy, the sad, the untrained, the uneducated—each one surely should receive the encouragement he needs to help him respect and have confidence in himself; to learn all he can, to do all he can, to be all he can; to receive some meaningful assignment to the full extent of his powers and capacity. Oh, to help every person feel that he belongs, to realize his possibilities, with kindness, encouragement, compassion, remembering that each is made in the image of his Maker, that there is no such thing as an unimportant person—not now, nor forever after. No one should feel that he matters little to others, or doesn’t mean much to himself. In the plans and providence of God, it simply isn’t so.
